
Why won't my 120Y start?
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Author:  Tiffy [ Fri Jul 29, 2005 10:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Why won't my 120Y start?

Hi. I bought a great little 120Y dirt cheap from a friend a few months ago - only problem was it was hard to start. Have since replaced the battery, starter motor, carby, had a tune up, but it still takes forever to get going and can stall on me at any time when I'm driving. It's an automatic. Any suggestions? :cry:

Author:  Beattie [ Fri Jul 29, 2005 11:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hmm, maybe your idle is too low? My Z's idle is a bit low and will stall occasionally if the choke isnt on a bit. But it isnt hard to start :? Maybe dodgy fuel pump/fuel filter blocked/fuel lines?

Anybody want to advance on that?

Author:  banzai510(hainz) [ Sat Jul 30, 2005 5:34 am ]
Post subject: 

Is the intake bolts tite?
I had a 510 that was hard to start untill i found the intake just barely loose.

Another 510 I had a A guy wire up the coil. However he put the ballast resitor in front or inline with the hot start coil wire so more or less I was going thru the 1.6 ohm resistor(as the ON key position) It was also hard to start. Ask your self or friend if anybody was monkeying with those wires. If electric dont woryy about it.
Time it with a light and adjust the carb (mixture maybe)

Or do a Mexican tune up! Whats that? rev car to 5 K rpm then put rag over carb so the carb jets maybe get cleaned. Or you just suck the dirt out of the rag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

accel pump work on the carb? see if gas gets squirted(main barrel) when you cycle the carb. My 510 the accel pump on carb was stuck in the in position so no gas was being squirted in when I pressed on the gas. That was hard to start and drive. WD40 and lubed it up.was my fix

Author:  StanzaRallyMan [ Sat Jul 30, 2005 9:23 am ]
Post subject: 

do a compression test of the cylinders

Author:  Tiffy [ Sat Jul 30, 2005 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Why won't my 120Y start?

Thanks a lot for those suggestions - I'll give them a try.

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