When I was investigating a while back, I was also looking round for other donors to use. Didn't have to look far, as my VX commodore has very similar CV setup to the Porsche-type ones
. Apparently plenty of BMW's also have a similar setup - the only one I've looked closely at (a 740) certainly did. I keep meaning to check out a 3-series rear end or even a 2002 (if they ran CVs), as these might be close in width to a 1600 rear end ?
From what I can ascertain, the porsche-type CV's are popular not only because they are strong, but because they have a large operating angle. This is important in their most common application (buggies), but I've wondered if it's really neccessary on a shaft made for a datto ??
Apparently VW and particularly Kombi's have similar CV's plus they're cheaper and more readily available (or were 12 months ago when I was checking it out). And as Martin points out, there are plenty of shafts available to suit them in a wide range of different lengths. I found plenty of info on off-road racing forums.
One issue I can see with a lot of the Nissan ones is that they are a big, bulky thing. You lose quite a lot of shaft length due to the CV joints themselves, resulting in more angularity on the shaft.
I intend to have a crack at making my own "Wolf Creek" ripoff sometime in the future, hopefully using commodore components. Once I finally get around to buying a lathe
Just a few random thoughts
. As you can tell, I've done plenty of thinking in between cutting out rust on my SSS