This announcement is for all users of this forum. The moderation team have decided that we need to ensure the image we are creating on the internet and on the streets is in the best interest for not only the users but for hot rodders in general. In saying this any illegal or frowned upon material should be kept off the forums.
We ask that no one post anything in regards to burnouts and top speeds on the street, good quiet places to go drifting or anything "hoon" related. We don't want any bad press and we certainly don't want a bad name in the eyes and ears of the law! This policy is targeted at illegal activity, so please feel free to discuss any of the above when they have been performed at events like track days.
All posts in relation to the above will be deleted and a warning will be issued via PM. Continued violation of this policy will result in an account suspension, and in the event of further violation an account ban will be put in force.
This policy is being put into place to make sure we have the best time in our little cars.