As requested here is a brief description on how to install a remote starter solenoid and battery relocation set up.
Please note this is based on a new wiring install that I completed when fitting and SR20 but can be adapted to suit a relocation of battery if using an existing loom and standard or alternative engine package.
1.Securely fix battery in battery box in boot - be sure to fix battery hold down to body securely - plenty of threads on this.
2. Purchase a Ford Remote Starter Solenoid (or similar) - sourced from local Supercheap store. Fit this in the boot close to the battery - I placed mine on the rear left shock tower support bracket.
3. Run a large cable from battery +ve terminal to the input on the remote starter solenoid.
4. Run a large cable from the output on the remote starter solenoid through the cabin to the starter motor. This connects to the existing power connection lug on the starter motor.
5. Add another large gauge cable from the starter lug to the large lug on the alternator.
6. If new wiring is being installed then run a cable from the "Start" side of the ignition switch (or use existing cable if being retained) to the main starter motor solenoid.
7. Splice another wire off this cable and run it through the cabin to a relay located in the boot (close to the remote starter solenoid).
8. Wire up the relay as per normal relay wiring - constant battery power (30), earth (85), ignition switch power in (86) and output to the remote starter solenoid (87). Let me know if you get stuck with this part!!
9. It is also suggested that an 80 amp Maxi Fuse be fitted between the input and outputs of the remote starter solenoid. This allows charge from alternator to bypass the solenoid but will blow if the cable is damaged, shorts out etc - this is an important safety mechanism - Thanks Baz!!!
10. All thats left to finish this setup off is to connect the sense and charge light cables from the alternator. If using existing wiring loom than this can remain intact. Let me know if you need further hep with this part as each set up will vary depending on existing wiring, engine package etc.
Please PM me if you need any further help!
Here is a diagram that should make the above a little clearer:
Remote Starter Wiring.pdf [26.77 KiB]
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