My timing chain is already double row as I used an L20b bottom end. I only mentioned the single row to highlight one of the differences. I didn't know some Z20 had single row timing chains until I started this project.
On my L20b bottom end I fitted a Z20 chain, Z20 timing cover, Z20 water pump, Z20 (driver side) chain guide. I also had to fit the matching pulley system for the different Z pumps. This was a Z20 alternator bracket and whichever crank pulley you want to use (there are several types throughout the model years). I fitted the stock L-series double row cam gear to the KA24 camshaft using the KA24 bolt- L series bolt wouldn't fit. I had a complete KA24E engine to pull apart.
While this all bolted on, I reiterate it has not been proven yet. It might just spit the dummy the first time I rev it to 5000!
Another problem is that on a stock L20b bottom end, I have calculated the compression ratio to be 7:1. the 2.4litre head has a big combustion chamber.
Steveo thats a good start having that equipment, fuel system, engine management, exhaust, already in the car.
Here is a photo I took today: