
..::Datsun 610 sss::.. (and maybe a 120y thrown in the mix)
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Author:  Ryan [ Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ..::Datsun 610 sss::..

do it yourself, 100% will not regret it. If you need some practise come around to my house im respraying my sss i can show you what you need to do etc you can pracitse on one of my 3 180b's and my mate just finished spraying his car i can take you around for a squiz if you like to see how a home job turned out. you learn so much more doing it yourself and will have alot more respect at the end of the day. if you take it to a shop they are likly to charge you an arm and a leg as you have already found or just fill your car with bog do sh*t all prep and your car will be rusting a few years down the track, or they will just spray over the top of your car without getting it straight.

Author:  Dr.Zoidberg [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ..::Datsun 610 sss::..

Doing it yourself can be fun and rewarding. although if you want a nice finish, it takes experience to get it right, so I recommend you get a pro to do the top coat. Doing the prep work yourself is where the money can be saved.

What about a nice pearl white?

Author:  spatchcock [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 8:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ..::Datsun 610 sss::..

hmmm..... yeah, i do want a good job.

quick update, havent done much to the B lately, (lack of funds :( ) and now i've decided to go to uni, IN TASSIE!!!! so the B will have to wait till next summer when i return home.

for now, i bought another datto, a 120y for tas. in the next 2 weeks a have to get a roady on it so i can take it down there. (plus get my license)

heres a few shots

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so the plan is just to get it up to scratch, not to do anything major... tho... a quick paint job next week and god it needs one, wouldn't go astray. in the end i would like to paint it gray, will black grill and bolt on flares. like this one. anyone know anything bout it? or any more snap shots??

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Author:  SIX-TEN [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ..::Datsun 610 sss::.. (and maybe a 120y thrown in the mix)

Looking good!

btw you got those 610 badges? I'm still after a pair.

Author:  Shexy Chester [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ..::Datsun 610 sss::.. (and maybe a 120y thrown in the mix)

looks like the one i lost
but looks awesome :thumbsup:

Author:  SSSBEE [ Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ..::Datsun 610 sss::.. (and maybe a 120y thrown in the mix)

120 looks killer :thumbsup:

Author:  James May [ Mon Feb 09, 2009 10:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ..::Datsun 610 sss::.. (and maybe a 120y thrown in the mix)

The photos really don't do the cracking in the paint justice. I helped with the cutting and polishing of this car, and you can see bare metal in some parts... it's not rusty yet though.

Author:  green200b [ Mon Feb 09, 2009 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ..::Datsun 610 sss::.. (and maybe a 120y thrown in the mix)

nswdatsun wrote:
it's not rusty yet though.

Remember, it is a Datsun :giggle:

Author:  James May [ Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ..::Datsun 610 sss::.. (and maybe a 120y thrown in the mix)

green200b wrote:
nswdatsun wrote:
it's not rusty yet though.

Remember, it is a Datsun :giggle:
My theory is, if it's not rusty now, it's gonna take a fair while for it to appear.

Author:  spatchcock [ Wed Jun 24, 2009 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ..::Datsun 610 sss::.. (and maybe a 120y thrown in the mix)

well its been almost 6 months since ive updated this mainly cos sadly, nothing to the sss has been happening :( . i also moved to tassie for uni and being in a different state to you car is a bit of a hurdle... but my parents have sold there house so now i have to get it mobile and ready to move.

yesterday with the help of Green200b and NSWdatsun, we got it started!!! and also managed to unlock the brakes which was mainly due to two twelve inch stockies off the Y on the front and a very tight handbrake cable. :roll:

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when running it was lumpy as! but we worked out that it only having two cylinders firing would do that and with a lap of the block with no bonnet, no plates, little trip, and only those two cylinders firing, oh and brakes that had no pads on one side(seemed to work better) and needed to be pumped every time we wanted to stop, we struggled to get it home again. MAX SPEED 20Km/h :? some pictures as to follow and and videos or two, including action shots thanks of green200b :D

with a quick trip to AutoRanch to pick up some new spark pugs and leads and all four cylinders fired! sounds 500 times better, loud but good. and sounds so much healther.

plan is to get the brakes up to scratch tomorrow arvo and have it drivable by saturday where it MIGHT take part in a trip to buxon... but we'll see. i have three weeks back in vic and would love to get some work done on it but i cant afford to spend much on it so that full body re-spray might just have to wait.

oh, and did i mentioned we attracted airborne police. after our little drive around the block, with no bonnet clearly visible from above, the helicopter circled my place at least 4 times

Author:  green200b [ Thu Jun 25, 2009 1:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ..::Datsun 610 sss::.. (and maybe a 120y thrown in the mix)

Hahahahaha that was a funny trip! I'll upload those pictures when I work out how to get them off my phone.

That police helicopter certainly was circling us for quite a while. We certainly attracted a few strange looks. Oh and did I mention, I'm really glad there's finally a Datsun slower than mine :D

Author:  James May [ Thu Jun 25, 2009 11:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ..::Datsun 610 sss::.. (and maybe a 120y thrown in the mix)

green200b wrote:
Hahahahaha that was a funny trip! I'll upload those pictures when I work out how to get them off my phone.

That police helicopter certainly was circling us for quite a while. We certainly attracted a few strange looks. Oh and did I mention, I'm really glad there's finally a Datsun slower than mine :D
Not for much longer, we managed to get it firing on all four cylinders!

There is something very wrong with the brakes though, and we need to get that sorted before it goes anywhere.

Author:  spatchcock [ Wed Jul 01, 2009 2:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ..::Datsun 610 sss::.. (and maybe a 120y thrown in the mix)

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and some of it actually on the road 8)

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